Have you ever had thoughts like: “I am a failure; nothing changes in my life; “I cannot do anything right”?
I understand that, sometimes in life, we may feel frustrated and lose excitement, facing situations that became so complicated that finding a way out looks like a hopeless path. However, I am writing to tell you that the type of thoughts you have during situations like this matters.
We should be careful with what we are thinking because our thoughts are connected to our actions and reactions, influencing them. The Bible, in the book of Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7, says: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”. This verse says that we behave exactly the same way we think; what is inside of us is translated by our actions and behavior. In other words, our thoughts direct our actions.
One example is the way we think about someone. It can start with an “impression”, a small thought, a little doubt about something in relation to that person. Then, after entertaining that small idea inside of your mind, that thought tends to grow. And, before you know it, our behavior towards that person is totally changed. Can you see it? Our thoughts in relation to that person shaped our actions and reactions towards her/ him.
The same thing can be applied to our lives in general. The way we decide to face a situation in our minds directs the way we are going to react to it. If you always think in a negative way about people and things surrounding you, your perspective about the world will always be negative. Suddenly, you will always have something to complain about.
Let’s say that an uncomfortable and unexpected situation happened during your day. And, because it was totally unplanned and frustrating, in your mind, you start to have frustrating thoughts about the situation and about how is going to be the rest of your day. If you start meditating on those thoughts, not only your reaction to what happened will be negative, but the rest of your day will be shaped by negative actions.
Obviously, I understand that you became frustrated because of that bad and unexpected situation, but the way you set your mind around that can direct all the attitude you are going to have throughout the entire day and, before you realize it, you can become sad, depressed and frustrated about everything. And you cannot have a joyful attitude feeling down, can you?
This may be a simple example but there is truth in it: you cannot have a good life surrounded by a negative mindset. Unexpected situations may happen, and frustration may come but we have the power and the will to decide who and how we are.
You may say: “But you don’t know anything about me. You don’t know my past. You don’t know the things I passed through”. Sure, I don’t know; and I understand that, maybe, certain things that happened to you in your past influenced your mindset. I understand that previous experiences may have contributed to shape the way you think today. However, there is a way out of those strongholds in your mind. Your past cannot determine who you are!
The Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 30, verse 19, says: ” This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now CHOOSE life, so that you and your children may live”. That means that we have the power to CHOOSE how our lives are going to be.
Circumstances in your life do not have the power to build strongholds in your mind, but you can choose what kind of actions and thoughts you are going to have. The Bible also gives us an advice about what should be constantly in our minds: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8). But how can you change your mindset after so long?
We have someone we can count on in every situation. That someone is God! He is always willing and available to help us. And He knows us better than anyone else, because He created us. He is our creator and, if we accept His lordship and fatherhood upon our lives, He becomes our Father. Our great and heavenly Father! An almighty and all powerful Father! And He wants to help you! If you ask for His help, He can bring to your mind those right thoughts.
That may look hard at first, but I assure you that, if you decide to take the first step, God is willing to guide you in direction of a transformation of your mindset. Don’t give up! Discouragement can stop you. You have a whole future ahead of you. Remember that you are not defined by your past. You can change your thoughts and behavior. Always say: “I believe in God. I believe that He is working inside of me, not mattering how I feel or how the situation looks like. I am stronger than any circumstance”.