Where is your identity?

We can say that identity is what define us. Identity can include many aspects, such as nationality, gender, culture; overall, it is who we are. When we have a clear knowledge of our own identity, we have a stronger sense of purpose and we can define with better clarity our goals in life. The lack of a clear sense of identity brings confusion. 

The Bible is very clear about our identity in Christ. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we become children of God, co heirs with Christ. The Bible calls us “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). 

That is our identity. And, as part of the kingdom of God and His family, we find our purpose – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

As Christians, there should not be any doubts about who we are and to whom we belong. This should be something clear and solidified inside of us. A truth established deep down inside of our hearts. However, the devil likes to bring confusion; if he can make you confused, he can bring you fear. If you start feeding on his strategies, suddenly, you lose your sense of identity, losing, consequently, your path and your purpose. You lose sense of who you are and, suddenly, you may not be even sure of who God is. 

Recently, we have been seen more and more attacks from the devil towards identity. On the media in general, we see an enormous incentive to make us doubt of who we are. At the same time that there is a message that says: “Don’t be afraid of who you are”, it seems that there is also a message that says: “It is OK to not know who you are”. 

Those messages are mostly targeted to teenagers, children and young adults. They say that it is OK or even acceptable for them not to know their gender, their sexual preference or what they want in life. It is OK to be constantly in doubt, in a constant search of your true self. More and more on TV programs and movies, we see characters that are confused about their own identities. 

The devil knows that, if he can bring confusion, he can make you wander away from God. God gave us the Holy Spirit! And, as Jesus said in the Bible, the Holy Spirit is our Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) – John 14:26. He can be our compass in life, leading us to the right path towards God. He can teach us all things. He can bring to our remembrance what Jesus taught. And, with Him, we can be assured of who we are in Christ! It is clear! It is an assured thing! 

We can only do what God called us to do if we are sure of who we are. This assurance brings confidence and boldness to exercise the authority we already possess in Christ. Only in God we can find our true identity, whereas the world brings so much confusion to us. The assurance of our identity is the initial step for a fulfilled life. Confusion brings just fear and shame. As we must know, fear and shame are related to the devil; they did not come from God. 

God created all of us with a defined identity and purpose. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He does not change like shifting shadows; there is no doubt in Him. However, after Eve let herself to be deceived by Satan and Adam decided to desobey God’s rule, fear and shame entered the world. Confusion, fear and shame were not part of God’s plan for mankind. 

However, Christ came to give us a new identity. We can be now sons and daughters of God. We can be part of His family! This is an assured truth that we can rely on forever! Therefore, do not let the devil bring you doubts about who you are. You can decide right now to be part of the family of God. And, if you already are, keep on meditating on the Word with the assurance that you are a child of God, created to do mighty things with Him and through the name of Jesus.