What is so amazing about the grace of God part 2

I will start by saying something that might shock you: It is impossible for man to live a life without God! We cannot do anything that is good enough and that will last for eternity without Him. We need to understand that we need God in our lives. Take for example the situation that the world is facing right now. In order to prevent the spreading of a virus, many commercial establishments had to close their doors around the world; people had to stay home and, in consequence, many people lost their jobs. And that chaotic situation resulted in a scenario of financial instability to many households. Even though things may seem hard to be handled in the midst of all this, I assure you that we can have the solution we need if we have God in our lives.

We need the grace of God. His grace is the everlasting love, compassion and mercy for all mankind – from the only true God that ever existed and that will ever exist. The grace of God is the love that rescued us.God gave us a new possibility of life through Jesus. God took the initiative to save man. Man chose to disobey and to pervert his nature, but God chose to save us from the strongholds of sin (you can read about this on my previous posts on this blog).

God did not have to create the world and He certainly did not have to create mankind. However, He created all of this, because He wanted to. He created plants, birds, oceans and all the nature because it was pleasing to Him. He created man and woman because He decided to create them. There is no better explanation than that. And the creation of the world pleased Him. He designed man and woman in every little detail. The Bible even says that He put His own breath of life inside of us. Nobody was demanding Him to do that. Nobody is above Him. He did all that because He wanted to.

So God decided to create you. There is nothing you can do to deserve that love. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you more. He already loves you. Proof of that kind of love is the fact that, because of the disobedience of man, God sent Jesus Christ, His Son, to Earth, to live as a man for a while in here and to identify Himself with us. Jesus Christ, while He was here on Earth, besides being a spiritual being, He had a body, a mind, a soul, and, because of that, He could feel what man feels in situations of danger, anger, sadness… He could understand our feelings.

And, after a while living as a man on Earth, He died for all of us. He died on a cross, which, in that period of time, was the worst way of dying. The most dangerous people would be the ones to die on a cross. However, Jesus was not dangerous. He did not commit any crime; on the contrary, He performed many miracles during His lifetime and He taught us how to live an honest life. He died on a cross for me and you. And may ask me: “How come did Jesus die for me?” He died on a cross, the worst way possible, as a sacrifice for my life and yours. By doing that, He took away all afflictions, diseases, anxiety, anger, pain of mankind. However, He did not stay dead. He resurrected; He returned to life, giving us a new possibility of life. Through that, He showed that we can have a much better way of living. He was giving mankind a new chance of life.  

He is now dwelling with God, but He left us the Holy Spirit, to be our guidance. Some of this may be hard for you to grasp and you can even ask me: “But, if Jesus took away all diseases, afflictions and anger of mankind, why is there still pain among us? Why sometimes do I feel afflicted?” Because you have to believe in Him. You have to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in your heart. You have to desire that new possibility of life. And, once you accept Jesus Christ in your heart, you can start opening yourself to a complete transformation. This transformation will not happen overnight; it is a process. And it demands faith. However, once you make yourself available, once you open your heart, you make a way available for the guidance of God and for His peace to work inside of you.

You do need to live your life by yourself, alone. The amount of affliction you may experience throughout your life is too much for you to handle by yourself. You do not need to live by your own strength. It is exhausting, and you may end up losing the meaning of your life along the way. However, God is available and willing to help us. We need the love and care of God to guide us. 

As I said before, the grace of God is His everlasting love for us. And there is nothing you can do to earn that love. Mankind did nothing to deserve the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We could not deserve the love of God. His love is supernatural. Man, by himself, does not know this kind of love. By ourselves, we cannot understand how deep it is. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says: “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance”. The love of God never imposes itself, but He patiently waits for our decision of wanting Him. Whenever you do something wrong, He does not cut you off completely; He is always with open arms to receive you.

He is not forcing you to love Him. Sometimes, you can even be aggressive towards God with your words or attitude, but He has not given up on you. He is waiting for you to finally see that He can help you out! The Bible says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ for us not to perish. Can you imagine that amount of love? God loved mankind so much that He gave His Son; He sent His son to die for us and to resurrect, bringing along with Him a new way of living. 

However, you may ask: “But, since you are saying that God loves us so much, why did He send His Son?” Because God and Jesus are the same person. In John 10:30, Jesus says that Him and God are one!

There is just one God that eternally exists in three people – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They have the same character. Since God is good, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are also good. It is like the water. There is just one chemical formula for it; however, you can find it in three different states: solid, liquid and gas. Even though those three states may have different formats, it is all water! The same happens with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They have the same character, but they perform different responsibilities. The Father is the creator of life, the planner, the source of life. The Son is the one that executes the plans of God. And the Holy Spirit is the helper, the comforter, the one that helps us to fulfill the plan of God for our lives.
God sent us a comforter to help us throughout life! That is amazing! With Him, we are never alone. The grace of God has the power of rescuing us; the grace of God gives us a new hope in life. And, besides all of this, that grace will also guide you to overcome circumstances and also to love others the way God loves us. The grace of God is amazing!