The perfect guide!

Think about the best professional you know in the area you act. How much would it cost you to have his or her advice about a situation? And how much would it be to have his or her advice available any time you need? It would not be little.

I have good news for you! The Creator of all things, the God Almighty, has the title of Wonderful Counselor and wants to help you in any situation you need.

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Before Christ’s resurrection, no one could have free relationship with God. All the three dimensions of the human being – spirit, soul and body – were not holy enough for God to have a direct relationship with man. If God tried to have it, men would die, because God’s nature and humans’ nature were not the same. One Holy and the other sinner.

“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” John 16:13

This reality was changed after all the Redemption Christ conquered at the Cross. All humans that repent of their sin and receive Christ as their Lord and Savior can have their spirit transformed and holy as God’s holiness. We could not do it on our own. We just accept by faith the work He has done. We do not see that change, because it is not in our body; however, we know by the Word of God that it is real! From that point on, this person’s spirit becomes holy and free to have a relationship with God. This privilege costed Jesus’ life. Never take it for granted.

But how can we be guided by God? Let’s see together!

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” Romans 8:14

Being guided by God is not a privilege of only a few children of God. Anyone who has Jesus as its Lord has this reality! 

The ways God chose to guide their children are those:

  • The Word of God – This is the best way to know who God is and all His will! Keep the Bible always near you and learn the most you can. Your life will be transformed by this powerful truth and you will have access to safe advices! (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  • The Inner Witness – The inner witness is an inner intuition, perceived in the spirit as an impression. It is not a voice, it is a traffic light inside of us, signaling a red light or a green light! The inner witness is just as supernatural as visions or prophecy. (Romans 8:16)
  • The Inner Voice – This is the voice of our renewed spirit talking to us. As the body has the five senses, our spirit has a voice – that is also called conscience. It is the conscience that relates to your mind what the Spirit of God is saying to you in the depths of your heart. Your conscience will only tell you about your own life. This voice will help us to know when we commit a sin and when we are walking in what God has for us. (Hebrew 9:14)
  • The Holy Spirit Voice – As our spirit is holy, God, through the Holy Spirit, can have a personal relationship with us and can communicate through our spirit. This is the voice of God talking personally with us. While our Inner Voice tells us about our own behavior, the voice of the Holy Spirit brings revelation about people, things and places. 

God can also speak to us through dreams, visions, prophecies and other ways, but those are not the primary ways. Those ways will always confirm something that is already in our spirit!

If you want to know more about it, I recommend you the book ‘How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God’ by Kenneth E. Hagin.

Raiane Vargas