Divine Peace

Peace is a word almost unique to many in the day and age we live in because our world is filled with unattainable demands from society, social media, a constant pressure to be or look a certain way, many voices speaking contrary to what the  Word says about us or our situations. People are going to great extent to acquire peace but without knowledge of the divine peace that believers can have in Christ but a temporary one which is why people in the world and of the world are constantly searching for soul fulfillment without success. Some people spend an extensive amount of money to acquire peace and tranquility, some even go to the extent of traveling across the world to find peace of mind. Anything that is highly sought after is considered valuable so peace is a valuable gift because anybody despite their background, race or religion is always in favor of peace in their personal lives. 

The Oxford dictionary defines peace as freedom from disturbance or tranquility. Another definition says peace is a state or period in which there is no war. Usually the world defines peace as an absence of any form of problem or chaos but a state of calmness or quietness but the Bible defines peace in the opposite way as in God doesn’t promise the absence of problems and challenges in life but He promises His divine peace in the midst of all the chaos. It’s a never ending peace that transcends any kind of peace the world can ever offer because it doesn’t come from the world but it has a supernatural source. Anything supernatural or divine cannot be attained through natural means but it requires a supernatural exchange. 

The Bible tells us what a supernatural exchange looks like in Philippians 4:6-7 TPT

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

The supernatural exchange is simple because it’s not on us to produce or manufacture that peace like the world does but all we have to do is have complete trust in our Father knowing that He loves us and takes care of everything that has to do with us. Throughout the scripture we see the loving and affectionate nature of God towards His children and Psalms 8:4 tells us that God is mindful of us, what a wonderful God we have who is mindful of every detail of our life because He loves us so deeply. Whatever concerns us concerns God because He is mindful of every situation and aspect of our life even the ones we might dismiss as unnecessary. 

Divine peace is a result of trusting God with every part of our life. We don’t need to travel to a certain place nor do we have to spend money to acquire peace but we simply need to trust Jesus to be the Lord of our lives and depend on His love for us.

Supernatural peace comes only from Jesus because He is the Prince of Peace. This kind of peace is unchanging as it doesn’t depend on the circumstances because the source is Jesus Himself. The kind of peace the world offers is dependent on the environment or circumstances and it can be temporary but the peace that comes from God is not natural as it is “supernatural” and so it has nothing to do with natural circumstances. 

In my personal life I have experienced the peace that Paul tells us about in Philippians 4:7. During very difficult and challenging circumstances in my life I had the peace of God all over me and I couldn’t explain it to others around me because I knew it was the peace from above that transcends our understanding. When Christ is our firm foundation we cannot be shaken no matter what comes our way but we are like a strong unshakable rock standing firm in the midst of raging storms and winds. That’s when we experience the divine peace that makes no sense to the natural man or to the world because during storms people normally react with worry or anxiety. But Divine Peace soothes us and keeps us calm even in the midst of chaos. 

This is the peace that the world is seeking for because it is stability and security in a world full of fear and the unknown. 

One major aspect of knowing and experiencing this peace we are talking about is having a deeper understanding of God’s love for us. When we know the depth of His love for us we have a greater boldness towards any situation or about ourselves because we begin to see everything through the eyes of God and receive an alternate perspective. Developing a deeper understanding of God’s love requires meditating and believing the scripture and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring revelation of His love to your heart. 

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Sometimes life itself will present challenges along the journey as Jesus said we are in the world but not of this world. The Bible never promised a problem free life after we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour because as long as we are on planet earth life will not be perfect all the way but God promised that He will never leave nor forsake us. There is a never ending supply of peace just for you from the Father no matter where you are. This flow of peace never stops if you can yield to it by trusting the Lord and what His Word says. You don’t have to work for it or beg for it but you will only need to believe and yield to the flow of peace that’s already inside you because you have the Spirit of God dwelling inside you. You will never need to look anywhere for peace because you found it when you gave your life to Jesus. 

As a child of God Peace is your portion and inheritance! Rejoice and begin to thank the Lord for His never ending flow of peace in your life.