Your Father wants the best for you

John 3:16 TPT says “For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.” Have you ever stopped to think, how much your Father in heaven loves you? Have you ever stopped to think how much He thinks about you? How He looks at you? How far He will go for you? And what He can do for you because He loves you?

Your Father in heaven sent His only most precious gift and prize His own Son so that you could be free from sin to become His son. The Bible says that He who gave His only Son for you, will give you anything else you ask from Him – Romans 8:32 TPT “For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice for us all, he certainly won’t withhold from us anything else he has to give.”

The problem is, a lot of times we don’t ask. We dont ask because deep down we don’t know how much our Father loves us so deeply. We don’t know how far and deep He will go for us, His children just to see us blessed and happy.

He has put it in my heart to talk about one topic that many of His children still struggle with. This topic is looking back to the past – regret. A Social Psychology research showed that 90% of adults have deep regrets about their lives, and because of that they do not move forward, always living in the past.

I can tell you from my own personal life that there has been many times in my past I made wrong choices and bad mistakes. I spent many years looking back at them crying and regretting. I was drowning in my own regret and didn’t even feel any hope for my future. When I was young, I messed up so badly in my life. And the choices that I made was still affecting me many years later. I couldn’t even see a way out for me. Only to suffer the consequences for my choices and mistakes.

Everyday I would think “If only I did this or if only I did that, my life would be much better today.” I also started thinking I deserve my problems because of my bad choices. One day before I went to sleep, God my Father said “No mistake you make is ever too big for me to fix, restore and make it way better than you can ever imagine”. God showed my a vision. You may be familiar with the Japanese art Kintsugi/Kintsukuroi. My vision was similar to this Japanese art.


In the vision I saw my life like a vase. It was broken and shattered. There was cracks everywhere. And then God started showing me what He can do. God the Father was using His own hands to put the pieces back together again. But I saw as He was putting it back together again, the vase started to turn gold in color and it became strong, powerful, bright and beautiful. Then in the vision God said “I will not only fix your mistakes and restore your life, I will add in my Gold and Glory. You will be much better when I finished working on you than you ever started. It will be beyond your imagination”.

That day, was the beginning of my hope. I thought “you mean there is a possibility of a better life for me?”. I decided to trust my Father’s love for me and His promises of a better life. I believed what He said and that He is powerful enough to fix my past mistakes and give me a better future. I started seeing God working on me slowly by slowly everyday.

4 years later, as I am writing this post, I cannot help but tear up because I look back at God’s love, faithfulness and promises fulfilled to me. As I trusted my Father to work things around for my good, everything became much better than I can imagine. He turned my mistakes into miracles, my sorrow into Joy and my pain into victory. Today it’s funny I look at the mistakes I made in my past with a smile and not with tears anymore because through those mistakes, I saw the Father’s heart for me and how He is so powerful to turn every mistake around, not only to fix it but to make my life much better than I can ever imagine. All I had to do was simply believe He loves me and cares for me enough to transform my life. God did miracles in my life I never thought was even possible.

Today, right now, your Father is wanting to reach out to you and do the same for you in your life. Maybe there are mistakes you have made in your life. Terrible mistakes and choices that had consequences and opened up deep regret in your life. Maybe you are without a hope for a better life, thinking that you are stuck because of your past. Without having a good vision for the future, life looks hopeless.

Jesus came not to just die for your sins but to give you a brand new life. A life full of God’s love and promises. This life can only be achieved when we become children of God. And when we become children of God, we come under the care of God the Father. It is God the Father’s pleasure to take care of us His children, watch over us and and raise us up. Just like how a natural father fixes a child’s mistakes, so our Father in heaven also fixes our mistakes. The only question is will you let Him give you a better life than you can imagine?

Always remember, your Father in heaven wants the best life for you, better than you can ever ask, imagine or dream. Ephesians 3:20 TPT “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most
unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.”

As you are entering into this New Year, let’s start the year right with the proper perspective of God’s vision for your life. I want to encourage you today to dream big. Dream big with your Father in heaven. That He can give you a future and a hope much brighter than you can imagine. It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past. Your Father is bigger, greater and more powerful than any mistake, failure or bad choice.

Are you going to trust your Father? Are you going to trust His love for you? Do you believe He is powerful enough to turn your life around for something so much greater ahead beyond your imagination? 2022 is a chance for you to have a fresh start with God. Your Father deeply loves you and wants the best for you. I encourage you to take the leap of faith and trust in your Father’s love and care for you today. Allow Him to remove past regrets and replace it with exciting hope! He has the best plan for you and it’s a bright future you didn’t even dream was possible.