Your Desires Are Important To God

Once, I heard a woman saying that she really wanted to spend her vacation with her family in one specific place she had in mind, but she would not pray to God about it because she did not want to bother Him. As she was saying, certainly, God had much more important and bigger things to care of, like hunger, wars, violence, etc. He would not have time for her request. 

That woman was a Christian. And, while I was hearing what she was saying, I could not help but think to myself: “This person has not understood yet who God is!” First of all, we need to understand that God is omnipresent; in other words, His presence is not limited to a certain place but He is everywhere at the same time. 

In the Bible, the book of Genesis, chapter 1, says that God created heaven and earth. He created the oceans, the animals, the moon, the sun, all the stars, the day, the night… He created everything. He did not just created a specific place or continent on Earth. No! He created the entire Earth and all of the nature that is inside! By that, you can already imagine that someone with that amount of power cannot be limited by time or space. Can He!? 

The book of Ephesians, chapter 4, verses 5 and 6, says: “[There is] one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of [us] all Who is above all [Sovereign over all], pervading all and [living] in [us] all”. I think those verses perfectly demonstrate the omnipresence of God – there is ONE God, who is the Father of us all and lives inside of all of His sons and daughters. You cannot limit His power! 

In the example I gave you in the beginning of this message, although, at first, that woman could appear to be right and altruistic, saying that her desires did not matter because God had more important matters to take care, that was a false statement. It was totally against to the true character of God. Although we all agree that a headache I might be feeling is nothing compared to the countless of cases of extreme hunger or violence many people have to face throughout the world, I am pointing out that, for God, it is not a matter of what is more important or what problem He should solve first. 

God does not wake up everyday with a list of priorities of things He should solve first. We all matter to Him. All of us are important to Him. It is not a matter of which one is more important – my headache, that woman’s vacation, hunger in Africa or wars in the Middle East. All of those are important to Him, because He is all powerful, all mighty and all present. He does not have a list of priorities because He is EVERYWHERE. He is Japan, Australia, Iran, Africa, Canada, Brazil… Everywhere at the same time! When He sent Jesus to save humanity, He sent Jesus to save ALL mankind. To save EVERYBODY that wanted to be saved.

There is just ONE God, who is above us all. We, humans, are limited in understanding and comprehension, but He is not. He is the creator of the universe. In Malachi 3:6, He says: “For I THE LORD do not change”. He has never changed and, if you let Him, He is ready to take care of you. 

The Bible says: “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). Matthew 7:7 says: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you”. The book of Psalms, chapter 145, verse 19, says: ” He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him. He hears their cry and saves them”. All of those verses have a point in common: God is eager to fulfill the desires of those who seek Him. 

All of us have desires, thoughts, aims in our lives, things we want to do or things we want to change in our lives. However, the good news is: God is willing and available to listen to you! He wants to listen to your heart. And better than that: He is powerful to help you to change your life. Any desire of your heart is not too big or too small, too important or too foolish to God. You can talk to Him about all of them! You just have to open your heart to Him and talk; just say what is bothering you and He can help you. Isn’t that amazing? It is amazing to know that you do not need to worry if God is going to listen to your desire or problem. You just need to open your mouth and tell Him without fear or shame. 

Next time you have something you want to change in your life, remember that it is not your job to check what God will think about your situation. If you seek Him, you will find Him, because He is not hiding. He is just waiting for you. If you believe in His power, He can help you to find a solution for your situation. There is no list of priorities or waiting list; there is just one all mighty, all powerful and omnipresent God, waiting for you to open your heart to Him.